Quick (and only) call for serious content creators in 2024
If you're serious about building your personal brand in 2024, please read
Happy Wednesday folks,
I don’t normally send out more than 1 email per week (although I’m considering moving to 2, more on that another time), but this is one of those rare occassions where I’m looking for a few people.
And I always go to my list first, so here we are.
Forming a small, virtual accountability group for people who want to post consistently on social media in 2024 and grow their personal brand. As I’ve learned from doing it for 3+ years, it can be tough sticking to such a consistent content grind alone.
The group will be:
5 people max
seriously committed posters only (3+ posts per week, minimum)
Google sheet where we each share our content creation weekly goals, then Whatsapp group where each person will send 1 sentence each day with a status update of your posting for the day
for those sticking to a posting schedule who want motivation/accountability/added exposure from liking each others posts
If you’re interested please respond asap and let me know:
your average weekly content creation right now (ie. how many times you post, which platform(s)), and
your goal for 2024 (related to content creation/personal branding)
Thanks as always and have an awesome day
- Josh Schachnow
Canadian immigration lawyer, CEO at Visto.ai
If you’re looking for more of my help, you can check out: