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See what it's really like to build a business - in less than 5 minutes per week.

If you’re like me, you love learning by reading about other peoples experiences. It’s why I love reading biographies on awesome people - because I can learn from their stories and try not to make the same mistakes!

That’s why I started my newsletter, to share my business journey as I go through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and hopefully you can learn from the good and bad too.

Stay up-to-date

Every Monday morning I send a quick update with a story from my week in business, a key lesson learned and mention the book(s) I’m reading (and whether you should read them or not).

By subscribing, you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

When you sign up, you’ll also get the first 3 chapters of my e-book: “Just Get Started: Key business lessons from 2 businesses, 5 years and 100+ podcast episodes” where I share the story of starting my first business, a law firm, and getting it to 6 figures in ~12 months!

Don’t be shy!

I love to interract with my readers, so don’t hesitate to reach out/reply and let me know any questions, thoughts or ideas you might have about your business, mine, or anything else.

Hope you enjoy!

Subscribe to Josh Schachnow's Substack

I'm Josh, an immigration lawyer-turned-tech cofounder building a tech startup in Canada. Every Monday morning I share 1 story from my week in business, 1 key lesson, and my top content from the week to keep you motivated on your own business journey!


Immigration lawyer. Tech cofounder. I love sharing my journey building our immigration tech platform (Visto.ai) and the business lessons I'm learning along the way.